Workers' Compensation

Located in Griffin, GA, and serving all of Georgia | 770-227-1584
Located in Griffin, GA,
and serving all of Georgia  
Call Us Today 770-227-1584
.No matter the size of your business, Millenium of Griffin is your one-stop source for peace of mind

Experienced Workers' Compensation Policy Agents 

Confidently Protect Your Business and Workers

You are required to have workers' compensation for your protection as well as the protection of your employees in case of mishaps. The coverage pays for the medical care and physical rehabilitation of the employees who have been injured at work and it helps to replace lost wages while they are unable to work. Guard yourself against a lawsuit. Let locally owned Millenium of Griffin Insurance, Inc. shop among national providers for the right policy for your venture.

What Your Workers' Compensation May Cover

If you have employees, it is critical that you consider this workers' compensation coverage. The coverage can include:
  • Medical treatment
  • Disability (temporary and permanent)
  • Death benefits
  • Legal staff 
  • Innovative payment systems 
  • Certified life care planning nurses 
  • Vocational rehabilitation consultants 
  • Physician consulting service
  • Medical disability case managers 
  • Utilization management nurses 
  • Contracts with medical network providers 
  • Managed prescription drug program 

Understanding Your Workers' Compensation Policy

A workers' compensation policy can protect you from being sued by your employees if they're injured. It's important to know that not all workers' compensation policies are the same. Each state has specific laws governing coverage requirements. Call 770-227-1584 today and speak with us about the policy that’s right for you.
and count on our more than 53 years of customer service and experience. 
Call 770-227-1584 
Millenium of Griffin Insurance, Inc. can help your business find complete solutions to your unique workers' compensation insurance needs. 
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